Who’s heather

Heather Clark, a force of nature, burst into this world in 1987. From the very beginning, she embraced her unique identity, marching to the beat of her own drum. Unswayed by the opinions of others, Heather possessed an unwavering belief in herself, guided by a little voice whispering, "Keep going, your time will come."

Originally hailing from a small town in Ohio, Heather's journey led her to the vibrant stages of Florida. Performance became her passion—dancing, singing, acting—she immersed herself in the captivating world of Show Biz. As she delved into the intricacies of this industry, Heather discovered a profound life lesson: the omnipresence of the word "No." She faced a choice—to let these rejections deflate her spirit or to dance with the nos.

Embracing her resilience and tenacity, Heather transformed the nos into opportunities. She created her own chances, fostered connections with her trusted allies—Team Heather—and channeled her scrappy spirit to overcome obstacles. Determined to carve her own path, she learned the liberating power of saying "No" to societal norms, soulless jobs, and settling for anything less than her dreams. Heather became a ground-shaker, respectfully challenging authority, and eventually earning the label of a Maverick.

Throughout her journey, Heather's multifaceted talents flourished. She blossomed as a writer, actor, dancer, teacher, podcaster, entertainer, and life enthusiast. Each role contributed to her growth and allowed her to touch the lives of others. Today, she invites you to book a transformative Heather Helps session, where her wisdom and guidance will empower you on your unique path full of confidence, and fresh perspectives.

If you seek a delightful distraction, top-notch entertainment, premium content, valuable insights, and captivating storytelling, be sure to tune into the 30 Pause Podcast. Heather's vibrant personality, combined with her relatable experiences make for an extraordinary listening experience. Constantly evolving and growing, she serves as your daily dose of relatable goodness.

Contact Heather today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, laughter, and empowerment. Together, let's embrace life's challenges, celebrate our individuality, and create a world where our dreams become our reality.