Instagram Pages You Should be Following

In the past 2 months, I have been the Follow/Unfollow Queen when it comes to my social media pages, Instagram, in particular. I think it's really important that the content we follow aligns with where we are at in our own growth, both professionally and personally.

Here's how I view my social media accounts: Facebook: A place where 1/2 of the people who have sought out our online friendship are people I personally don't know. I never engage in conversation with these "friends" (and if they engage, there's an 80% chance of them are not getting a response because they decided to try to hit on me rather than go on a dating app <insert a HARD eye roll here>. It's a place where a majority of my Website hits comes from, therefore it's vital I keep all personal things written in a journal, and post status' that have to do with my brand OR suggest a really bomb restaurant, TV series, movie, or a Podcast I think people need to be turned on to, or I kindly brag about a bad ass concert, or play or musical I attended. Yes, you may find some family photos here and there, but all in all, it's business & I treat it as such. LinkedIn: A place where I randomly look for new job openings just for shits and giggles because it's interesting to see what the workplace is looking for and it's a moment where I get to daydream of moving out of Florida, and actually enjoying seasons in a city with a thriving, progressive, & millennial demographic. Twitter: A great outlet for a quick update on currently events, and getting the Tea, but to be honest, I'm not on the app much simply because I forget I have it. And I have the least amount of followers on Twitter than I do on any other social media site, so clearly I need to step up my Twitter game, but then I get tired and my phone needs charged, and I forget about it because it all becomes too overwhelming and time consuming, all the while I peek over at my kitchen sink full of dishes and guilt myself into cleaning up rather than tweeting. Snapchat: This app was really fun at first,  but then they updated it so that you see all the stories from people with the most subscribers and there's a ton of ads, and games you could care less about. It's becoming more and more lame sauce, and I definitely only have it because of the few groups chats that make me LOL or when I'm looking rough and am in need of a serious filter in order to make my point across for an IG story while still trying to tell myself I'm Beautiful with or without make up. Now that Snapchat/IG story conundrum is a perfect segue into today's post; Instagram: These IG creators are killing the the social media game. Their stories have become more popular than Snapchat, and quite honestly, it's just my favorite social media App & I've discovered such amazing, hilarious, awesome, and inspiring peeps along the way. I've been slowly trying to transform my own page and also take into deep consideration of who I need to follow vs. who I'm following out of pity (meaning I went to high school with them, or they were a co-worker, etc.) or just using it as a way to gossip or silently judge people that have little to no effect on my day to day life (don't act like you don't do these things because we're all guilty from time to time).  As much time we spend on our phones, I feel like this Follow/Unfollow game is something more people need to do on a weekly basis. I'm sorry, but no longer am I following my next door neighbor from my childhood. We don't interact-haven't for 20 plus years- & mommy debates are simply not applicable to my life. Ex-lovers and almost Lovers-Unfollow! The Pretty Woman who's posting selfie after selfie after selfie, with nothing but a Drake lyrics or an emoji attached. Her post simply reminds me of all the filler God never gave me when making my upper lip-Unfollow! This one guy I met on Spring Break in college- I can't even remember his name-Unfollow! This unfollowing game can get time consuming, therefore I suggest you do it little by little each week. So far I've unfollowed over 200 people and slowly started to follow inspiring, hilarious, and awesome cool peeps along the way. Below are suggested pages/people and the reasons why I follow them. Hopefully by the end of this; you'll start to play this Follow/Unfollow game with me, because we need to start feeding our brains healthy content in order to reach wisdom, growth, and maximum social media fulfillment.



Glennon is one funny, lovable, relate-able, eccentric, & incredible author and public speaker. What can I say?! She fills my cup. It's like the Universe says "Message Delivered" every time her post is the first to pop up when I open my Instagram App. She keeps it real in her IG Stories, and you find yourself falling in love with her adorable family too. Reese Witherspoon and Oprah have endorsed Glennon, so if you're questioning my suggestion, don't. Just do yourself the huge favor and FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW!

Stores that'll make you laugh, cry, and think "Man, my life is NOT that bad after-all."

Stores that'll make you laugh, cry, and think "Man, my life is NOT that bad after-all."

If you're not already one of their 8 million followers, I highly suggest you become one. This page makes you think, and reminds you how blessed your life is. I crave a fresh perspective,  and a good story. "Humans of NY" are full of them. I started following this page on Facebook, actually, so it's been on my feed for awhile, but there's always a take-away from these stories. They interview such a diverse group of people, from Wall Street guys, to immigrants, to homeless people on the street, they feed us their stories like a cup of chicken noodle soup on a sick day & remind us that we're a lot more alike than we are different. The stories will make you laugh, cry, and hit you with all the feels. 

Rob Hill Sr. comes through with the quotes that make you analyze if were genuinely loving ourselves completely before falling into another relationship,&nbsp;&amp; reminds us to keep our egos at bay.

Rob Hill Sr. comes through with the quotes that make you analyze if were genuinely loving ourselves completely before falling into another relationship, & reminds us to keep our egos at bay.

I started following Rob due to a friend's suggestion, about 5+ years ago, but because Instagram has a funny way of hiding the people you follow, he hasn't been popping up in my feed as much as I would like, as of late. I revisit his page every so often just to get some affirmations and a true perspective on how much work I have yet to do before I dive into my next relationship, he reminds me to keep my ego at bay, and reaffirms that my intuition is never going to steer me wrong.  I've also followed him while diving into all the wrong relationships too, but hey, such as life. He has a book out, that I must read and/or listen too, because if his IG is follow worthy, I'm sure the book is worthy of our attention too.

Whether you're an astrology junkie, or just know about 2 things when it comes to your Sun Sign, Not All Geminis,&nbsp;is the an astrology dedication page you should most definitely follow.&nbsp;

Whether you're an astrology junkie, or just know about 2 things when it comes to your Sun Sign, Not All Geminis, is the an astrology dedication page you should most definitely follow. 

Not All Geminis is a great page to follow when you don't want to think and all you want to do is just laugh at yourself and others and how all of our ridiculous attributes either mesh really well together or not at all. The  accuracy she is able to reach with pretty much all of the signs is a sure shot to all Astrology lover's hearts. The most trending paparazzi photo morphed with any sign and their not so great qualities is what makes this page a hilarious stand out. What's cool for her, is now this hobby of a page, has turned into a career, and I'm all about supporting a female who's trying to make her passion a career. She writes a lot of content for other websites as well and isn't afraid to call people out on plagiarism. Ahem, Snapchat. Follow her page, and school yourself on the Astrology world with Not All Geminis. 'Tis a lot more accurate than one Hater might think. 

Comedian, Actress, &amp; a modern version of a Southern Belle who sits poolside holding an Aperol Spritz with a metal straw.&nbsp;

Comedian, Actress, & a modern version of a Southern Belle who sits poolside holding an Aperol Spritz with a metal straw. 

Heather was an easy follow. For 1. Her name is Heather & she's 31 y.o. (most Heathers are amazing by default),  she's a classically trained actress & comedian who's truly funny and talented and the showbiz peeps aren't able to fully recognize her potential (I mean seriously the parallels between us are truly indescribable at this point). 2. She's a lover of Aperol Spritz cocktails, like myself (side note: as a bartender I've been trying to get these South Tampa soccer moms on this train for a solid 2 years now! Get with it, ladies!) & an advocate for metal straws (save the sea turtles)! And 3. She has a very REAL and SOLID journalist-esque story about our beloved, Ms. Britney Jean Spears, in which she explains it's a call to action. BRITNEY 911, is real, it's a movement, and the people need to get on this train because I've been on it and honey it's a ride you don't want to miss. Although I find her IG Stories a lot more entertaining than her actual page content, I must say that this women needs to be hired by a NBC Executive (like myself) ASAP! She's hella relate-able, has great stories about her deceased Dad that just tug at your heart strings, her mother is a real treat and a 1/2 (truly she seems like a lovely woman), and although she may not know it, she's inspired me to keep living my truth and continue with my Zero Fucks attitude. She's going places, so hop on the Heather Mcmahan train early, because when she reaches the top, you're going to say,  "I started following her when she only had 44K followers." (I started following her @ 20K, but that's neither here nor there). 


If you come across a page you think I would enjoy and learn from, please let me know and share! You can find all of my social media links below. And remember, this whole social media thing isn't real life! Trust, I personally know people with millions of followers, it's NOT! If you come across a real genuine person that inspires you, makes you laugh, makes you think, then follow them, no matter how many followers they have. It's kind of like that quote, "You are the company you keep," well it sorta goes hand in hand with your social media content. "You are who you follow."  Quit feeding your brain the fluff & feed it the meaty stuff! 

Peace, Love, & Clarity.

Ya Girl,

Heather Sue

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